By bdayloser - 07/11/2009 05:24 - Canada

Today, I celebrated my 18th birthday. Alone. My only birthday wish came from the police officer who gave me a ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 667
You deserved it 3 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sucks that you were alone, but what was the ticket for? I mean, we can't know for sure whether this is a FYL or YDI because we don't know the details. Happy Birthday, now you have more than one.

kmart72 0

happy birthday! :) don't feel bad, my 18th birthday sucked too. sorry about that ticket though.


fyou1 0

Thats really sad Hppy Birthday with a smile on top :)

Happy Birthday! :D Oh, and by the way, before anyone's like "YDI FOR GETTING A TICKETZ!!!!" Sometimes, cops give you tickets, when you didn't do anything. My mum once got a ticket, and took it to court. Guess who lost? The cop.

Why were you speeding? It's not like you had a birthday party to go to or something.

my mom got a ticket on my birthday a couple years ago...pulling into the parking lot of the restaurant we were going to to celebrate my birthday :P

My parents forgot my birthday, and then, when she remembered after a long rant about him, mom told me that she had only married dad because she was pregnant with me. Your life is far from ******.

boatkicker 4

That sucks OP. Happy Birthday! I've been there. My 16th birthday. Friends forgot, Parents forgot, little sisters forgot, but I did get a postcard in the mail from my pediatricians office saying "Happy birthday! You're sixteen now, which means you're older than our age cut-off so you need a new doctor." At least I didn't get a ticket though. I'm sorry sorry. Happy Birthday. Hope your next one is better.