By bdayloser - 07/11/2009 05:24 - Canada

Today, I celebrated my 18th birthday. Alone. My only birthday wish came from the police officer who gave me a ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 667
You deserved it 3 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sucks that you were alone, but what was the ticket for? I mean, we can't know for sure whether this is a FYL or YDI because we don't know the details. Happy Birthday, now you have more than one.

kmart72 0

happy birthday! :) don't feel bad, my 18th birthday sucked too. sorry about that ticket though.


If you didn't want to be alone, grow up, get over yourself, and ASK one of your friends to hang out with you. I'm sick of people are their birthday sob stories. You want something to happen? Make it happen. You're eighteen, you should know better by now.

Hey, happy birthday. I can relate to the hurt your feeling. Make a resolution to have a better 19th birthday. Get out there, meet some people, and surround yourself with people you care for and who care about you. It's too much of a burden to go it alone in this world. Take some chances, open up to the world, and hopefully in 365 days you'll be celebrating. @48; Chill, dude. Not everyone is sociable and makes friends easily. Just because you can't relate to that doesn't mean you can't show some sympathy and compassion for the OP. You try celebrating your 18th birthday alone. Report back to me how it went.

@ # 49: You're a good person :-) I'd love for the world to have more people like you :-)

dangletsbang21 0
irishgirljune 0

What 18 year old doesn't have a ton of friends?

StormGirl142 24
BayleeWasHere 1

Sorry I'm 1397 days late. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!