This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By lonelyheart - 05/04/2017 12:00 - United States - Douglas

Today, I celebrated my birthday. Just me, a pizza, and my cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 650
You deserved it 345

Top comments

Happy birthday! At least, you are eating delicious food with your loved one instead of answering inappropriate questions about your love life asked by nosy family members you only see twice a year for a reason.

Sooooyoure saying you had the perfect birthday?


mikew2018 2

Happy birthday! At least, you are eating delicious food with your loved one instead of answering inappropriate questions about your love life asked by nosy family members you only see twice a year for a reason.

You should have been able to get any dude you want to celebrate your birthday by mentioning pizza. Most guys will eat pizza with you no matter how butt-ugly and/or tedious you are. By the way, happy birthday!

Happy birthday! Hope the pizza was good.

GeneralMotors 23

happy birthday. cats are an awesome way to celebrate!!

Happy Birthday OP. Don't worry, I've done that for my birthday before... when my family forgot about it.

species4872 19

Happy birthday, Loneliness is something that everyone feels at some time. Just don't let it consume you. You are real with feelings, hopes and dreams. There is someone out there that will want to share those things with you and more. All you've got to do is find them. So go, go and find them, do anything you must to get what you want. And if you do find someone and it doesn't work out, Well, try again and keep trying. True happiness is something that you have to work for, it rarely comes to those who wait for it.

Sooooyoure saying you had the perfect birthday?