By yollew - 25/11/2011 06:27 - United States

Today, I chipped a tooth trying to solve a Rubik's Cube. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 765
You deserved it 30 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

Oh snap, don't ever bite it out of frustration. That's just what it wants. Just color all the sides.

thesunsetglow_fml 8

Runic Cube: extreme edition. Or were you just trying to unsnap all the tiles and rearrange them? Cheater.


Eating isn't the solution to every problem.

I love solving Rubik's cubes! They are so much fun. At dinner last night, thanksgiving, all my cousins were not able to solve one, I was the only one that could

mona_is_here 10
ikickgingers 15

What else can you fit in your mouth? ;) keep going I'm almost there...

you're not supposed to think that hard

bikini_bottom504 0

Wow you must've gotten really frustrated with it

Mananda 0

Were you solving it while laying down and dropped it on your face?

I don't know what you consider "solving," but i believe you're doing it wrong.

missamazinggg 12

A Rubik's cube is like a puzzle, therefore you would be solving it to make the colors match.