By Display - 27/09/2012 04:10 - France - Paris
Top comments
Didn't thinking it was possible
If anytig is possible, then being impossible is imbissible, but that would make it possible... My head hurts
Actually, some blind people can "taste" or "feel" colors. My guess is that Being blind enhances all the other senses greatly.
The person who first said nothing is impossible clearly never tried to staple water to a tree
Freeze the water. BOOM I have made the impossible, somewhat possible!
Or drink water and staple yourself to the tree.
"Didn't thinking" it was possible to have such bad grammar.
Ice is water. Frozen water, but water all the same.
I have always had the dream to grow wings out of my back spontaneously and fly with my new found bird wings...after 18 long years of trying, it hasn't come true...I don't know if this saying really works....
Not only blind people.. There are cases of cross senses.. People can taste sound...ect.. They had a tv special on it..
Synesthesia is where you involuntarily associate things with colours, personalities, etc. It is a neurological condition resulting in mild hallucination, NOT the ability to taste or feel colours. Yes, loss of sight may enhance your other senses, but to think that blind people can taste colours is just ******* silly. What planet are you clowns on?
Fact is it doesn't even really 'enhance' your other senses, you just get better at using them.
Actually 161, if you lack a sense from birth you, the part of the brain used for that sense starts being used for other senses.
I can smell cold and hot does that count?
Did it turn you on though?
Jesus, man!
Tig ole Bitties!
Op is the original poster
Of course it did
I've done that too. I'm sorry, I know it hurts.
Because closing your nipple in a laptop is such a common thing..
She possibly has big knockers, or as peanut would say titonsters
40- maybe ops laptop was on her desk?
How did your nipple even get in that position?
Maybe she has very large droopy boobies that sorta hang down in which case she could have easily trapped her nipple :) Or she may have just been holding the laptop in a very awkward position ...
she could have been laying down with her laptop near her chest...
Or sitting at a dinner table...
'cause he had the moobs like jabba.
Totally irrelevant: 73: I saw your comment and my brain hummed 'Moobs like Jabba' to the tune of 'moves like jagger' by Maroon 5. Not sure if ...what?
83- How could you have possibly come up with that???? /sarcasm/
They don't have to be "droopy" for this to happen. My wife has big ones and has accidental pinches all the time. If she's on the couch, one of our dogs jumps up and can get her.
Must've been cold.
Or kinky
I dont think that is geeky ...:/
LARP accident MIGHT be the geekiest.
Oh god... That moment when I realize the things I do without thinking are weird are what other people consider "the geekiest" o_o Welp, I guess I'll just wear extra armor so I don't get hurt LARPing ;D and hey... Firefly is orgasmic... And super Mario bros is great! Although my NES version doesn't have that many maps...
lets hope are aren't a man
ignore the extra 'are'...
My thoughts too 14
i can ignore the grammar, but forgetting to use the word 'moobs', is unforgivable....
I don't see how that's geeky. Where you just nippley?
That's up there, but I'm afraid that getting your dick stuck in the CD/DVD drive would be even a bit geekier -- and a sad commentary about the size of your dick.
Lol I can't believe nobody has made a connection between this and Jim levenstien from American pie high school reunion xD

Did it turn you on though?
Must've been cold.