By Mrs. Teacher - 18/09/2012 00:21 - United States - Suwanee

Today, I collected my students' notes in class to check them. One girl, who is always drawing weird anime crap in her sketchbook, turned in just one piece of paper that read, "FUCK YOUR CLASS." FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 710
You deserved it 23 505

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As much as a teacher shouldn't be doing this, it makes perfect blackmail!

AphyTheBronette 15

Mrs Crabby cakes it's not " weird anime crap" it's technically a form of art. Maybe the girl will grow up to be a great manga artist. Instead try this new concept encourage your students, even if it's outside your comfort zone on traditional art. Oh and talk with her parents she's obviously got anger issues.


Kirito_SAO 9

A lot of schools no longer have any kind of art classes. So maybe this student didnt have a better time to take a break from cramming her head with info for academic classes and instead improve other skills such as drawing. So they probably decided that a class with a teacher who had an opinion that offended her was the best time.

technolove 7
ChubbyNicki 6

I'm assuming, because of the sketchbook comment, that you're an art teacher. In which case you should know that art comes in all forms, and in calling her art "weird crap" YDI.

So let me get this straight... you think OP deserves being insulted because of her opinion on anime? I'm not a fan of it either, but lets face it, like it or not, it is quite odd. I am assuming that OP not only did not openly discuss her opinion, but that also this 'weird anime crap,' could have been more than just simple anime; hentai, perhaps? Perhaps you also did not bring the skill of the artist into account, and therefore this 'anime art,' could have been horrid scribbles that one could find odd? Perhaps Op is NOT an art teacher, and the student is simply doing nothing but doodling in class on a sketchbook? A person has a right to their goddamned opinion, and that does not make them assholes.

Oh, and just to see how many of you whiny asshats will fire piss at me, allow me to express MY opinion: I HATE anime. The art style, like the Anime movies/shows, is simple, uncomfortably weird, and INCREDIBLY generic. Just watching anime shows numbs my mind with its stupidity, weak, and immature humor, and completely overused and spineless plots. Anime has no variety, like the rest of the cartoon world. And now is the part where you start bitching me out for not agreeing with your opinions; then again, you need to ******* learn that EVERYONE. HAS. A. RIGHT. TO. THEIR. OWN. OPINION.

I agree with the fact that everyone has an opinion, but have you ever watched an animated movie? That's anime, a different kind, but still anime, it's a recognized art, in every form, not just the Japanese form of anime, it deserves respect, even if you don't like it, just like you would have respect for the talent of an artist, even if you despise the painting, that's my opinion, anyway:)

Puahone13 7

111 Tomorrow: You kids and your holograms!

"**** your art." "**** your class." You get in return what you put out, "Darling". I draw in class all the time and while I understand it may seem rude but it really helps me listen to teachers and lectures. It uses two different parts of your brain; words and images. So maybe watch what you say and respect her. Unless you've done honestly nothing to deserve such a vulgar reaction, than the student's simply being rude and ignorant. Either way, it's against the rules to swear at a teacher. That's how it works here.

julieanne719 0

There are far too many immature commenters too focused on defending the "anime crap". The teacher was simply venting his frustration at having a disrespectful student who obviously doesn't pay attention during his class or care about her education. Sure, many people can doodle or even draw ad not pay attention and still get good grades. However, if the student acts like that, giving the teacher a note saying **** his class instead of growing up and soon their assigned work, the attitude suggests they wouldn't be taking any part of their education seriously. And being able to draw and get good grades doesn't mean you should have special permission to screw around and not pay attention or do work that other students do. It makes students who do need be extra help from notes feel entitled to blow it off as well. No education system is perfect and the teacher cannot change his whole method to please one student who won't grow up and deal, no teacher or school can accommodate each individual student's ideal way to learn every day, and the fact that she draw anime doesn't make her any special or deserving than the students in the class who do what they're in school to do. And that is learn and do the work you are given.

198 - Please re-read this FML and figure out why you have been getting thumbs down.