By Mrs. Teacher - 18/09/2012 00:21 - United States - Suwanee

Today, I collected my students' notes in class to check them. One girl, who is always drawing weird anime crap in her sketchbook, turned in just one piece of paper that read, "FUCK YOUR CLASS." FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 710
You deserved it 23 505

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As much as a teacher shouldn't be doing this, it makes perfect blackmail!

AphyTheBronette 15

Mrs Crabby cakes it's not " weird anime crap" it's technically a form of art. Maybe the girl will grow up to be a great manga artist. Instead try this new concept encourage your students, even if it's outside your comfort zone on traditional art. Oh and talk with her parents she's obviously got anger issues.


DoubleR_Anna 4

I draw in class all the time, I never take notes. Some people, like me, don't feel the need to take notes because we remember things Pretty Well or already know the subject. I bet the student picked up on those negative feelings and as an artist myself, you insult my art, you insult me.

I never took notes in all the years I went to school. I also never applied myself because I found the work boring and beneath me (look for my other long comment). had I tried, I may have graduated a bit higher than my high-B, low-A status. Basically, without really trying I managed to graduate in the top 20% of my class.

1098765432 0

You deserve it you anal twat if they take notes the they take notes if they don't they dont

I think it is, but then I wouldn't hold that against a student who enjoyed it.

A quick background for this little tale: When I was 10 I was psychologically evaluated at being far more developed for my age. I was reading at a 5th year college level (Masters). When I was 15 I was put into a mental institution. I went 'nuts' because I was too advanced for the people I was supposed to be associating with. I'd have been more comfortable hanging out with college graduates than my peers. I was released from there for half my Freshman year of high school with daily visits to my psychologist, but for Sophomore I was fully on my own. Day One of my Sophomore year of high school I went to my new English class. The teacher was talking about the books we were going to read and the supplies we were required to obtain. She handed out "Oedipus Rex" and stated that we needed a 3 subject notebook. Subject 1 was for class discussion notes. Subject 2 was for vocabulary notes. Subject 3 was for our "personal journals". She said, with an off-putting glee, she would be collecting the notebooks every Friday to read over our journals. She stated that if we wrote nothing it would count against us. I stood up, put my small memo notebook in my pocket and headed toward the door. "And just where do you think _you're_ going?" she barked at me. "The **** out of this class, lady," I said back. "You're no psychologist, so you have no right to intrude on my thoughts. You also have no right to mark against me for not sharing them." Everyone in the class looked at me like I was nuts. I went to my guidance counselor and demanded a different class, no matter how it restructured my schedule. I got what I wanted. Five other people from that class transferred out a week later.

I've seen truer statements in Mitt Romney's presidential campaign.

i always hate to hear stories where people are institutionalized for being different :( you're awesome for doing what you did. also have you ever heard of paulo coelho? he's a writer whose parents had him committed to a mental institution specifically because he wanted to be a writer.

YDI for calling it weird anime crap you dick, art is art.

How does it help your students if you collect their reference notes? What then do they have to study from?

YDI for labeling her art as crap maybe If you weren't a judgemental bitch she wouldn't have did that.

thinking that doodles are crap will do that to you some of my best work came from a doodle don't discourage any form of art you sound like a strict teacher ever think that's the problem

knoxxx 22

One of the best classes I have ever taken was my senior year high school english class, which was actually two different upper level classes (AP English and UW English) being taught at the same time. Within the first week of class, the teacher had flipped us off as an example of what being explicit was. She wasn't offensive though, she just knew how to reach a large variety of learners all at once in a very clear way. On all our big assignments we had the option of watching movies versus reading books, or creating a scrapbook versus writing an essay. It wasn't about the medium of communication, it was about a higher level of understanding. I'll never forget that class or the things I learned in it. To me it sounds like OP just hasn't figured out a good teaching style yet. You live and you learn, OP. It's probably time to adjust your curriculum.

You deserved it. No one calls Anime Crap. Learn to respect others before you wish to receive respect from others.