By Mrs. Teacher - 18/09/2012 00:21 - United States - Suwanee

Today, I collected my students' notes in class to check them. One girl, who is always drawing weird anime crap in her sketchbook, turned in just one piece of paper that read, "FUCK YOUR CLASS." FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 710
You deserved it 23 505

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As much as a teacher shouldn't be doing this, it makes perfect blackmail!

AphyTheBronette 15

Mrs Crabby cakes it's not " weird anime crap" it's technically a form of art. Maybe the girl will grow up to be a great manga artist. Instead try this new concept encourage your students, even if it's outside your comfort zone on traditional art. Oh and talk with her parents she's obviously got anger issues.


Evilpirate 10

Weird anime crap?? Anime is awesome!!

As an art teacher, I find your attitude is a bit off. If you consider her art "weird anime crap" she's probably picking up that. If a teacher is disrespectful of your work, you're not going to connect with them. I've encountered teachers that bash on a certain style before and this was about the reaction they got from their students that used that style. Also, is she drawing disturbing things or is she just drawing normal anime that you're labeling as "weird".

I agree with #1. Also, the girl must be into fury anime or creepy hentai bondage or at least something close. I have a friend who draws anime and all of it is or most of it is creepy and weird as heck.

Added to Favorites. Collect notes tomorrow too, I want to find out what she says next

I would probably do the exact same thing if any of my teachers judged me based on my likes and dislikes. If you are going to judge people based on their preferences, you really shouldn't be a teacher. YDI

#37 omg! Sorry I meant Anime is NOT crap. OP, YDI. Anime is awesome

#52 yes! Yes I did thank you for noticing :3 I only noticed just now! :3 >.< I love anime.

Alchemax96 1

Well I would give her a paper saying **** YOUR DRAWINGS! I like that you were honest about her drawings but as you probably know its best not to tell her what you think. Just punish jer

I understand that you are mad and everything. But maybe you provoked her some how. And everyone that is saying "She needs to pay attention in class. waste of education" its not like she can drop it. Not like she can skip school. Police come looking for you. School calls your parents. So maybe the girl was forced to take the class. Also I know how the girl feels because my teachers have judged me by the way I dress and always asked me if i enjoy "death" and "gore" just because I like skulls and wear a lot of black. For gods sake, i am afraid of scary movies. And I felt the vibes from my teachers too. I even told one of them that I did not respect them because she didn't respect me.

AbstraktThoughts 13

20: I never said I was a child prodigy. But at least I know how to respect my elders. I'm 20, and I'm ashamed to be stereotyped as the typical douche bag teenagers and tweens of my generation. That's all I was saying.