By Depirama - 28/02/2014 21:26 - France - Bron

Today, I confessed my love for the girl I like, on the forum she moderates. She responded by banning me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 604
You deserved it 16 494

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ok you needed to man up and tell her how you feel In REAL LIFE not a forum


Approach her and speak that snows you have no balls

Why do people always have to declare their love publicly and then get upset when they get turned down in a public way. Have you ever thought about asking her out for a date first?

You shoulda made sure she's at least a little into you before proclaiming your feelings for her publicly

one thing I've learnt from past experience is that it never works out virtually.. you could say whatsoever on the internet but face to face is what really matters and that's the harsh reality.. so logout, be courageous and face your fears.. goodluck.

You really shouldn't confess your love for someone on such a public forum. You put her on the spot and since she doesn't feel the same way you made things incredibly awkward for her. Next time you really like a girl, ask her on a date in private and preferably in person. Don't confess your love for someone you're not even dating. That can be quite awkward and a little creepy, especially if the feeling isn't mutual.

maybe you should have told her in person

I feel like there's a part OP isn't telling us. Just saying you love someone probably wouldn't get you banned unless you spammed it like crazy, or were pretty vulgar about it.

I love you i love you i love you i love you I'm fapping right now I love you i love you.. Is that what u think happened #40? xD

so you confessed your "love" for a girl you "like" . on the internet. well seems about right , not a ban but a 72hr suspension.

Axel5238 29

I'd agree unless the guy also started following on all her social media away from the forums and couldn't take the hint. As far as OP "confessing love" is a bad idea that does sound like telling someone you like them. It sounds more like "big gesture gushing about how much you adore someone you don't know that well". Doesn't work normally, even if they do know you it can still be really off-putting.

unless the forum was named after her and it was her site , perma bann isn't always the best FIRST option to use .but yea I get your point.