By Depirama - 28/02/2014 21:26 - France - Bron

Today, I confessed my love for the girl I like, on the forum she moderates. She responded by banning me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 604
You deserved it 16 494

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ok you needed to man up and tell her how you feel In REAL LIFE not a forum


A simple "not interested" would have sufficed.

It would have been a little more romantic if it occurred in the real world, not on a web page.

I must admit, the presentation isn't ideal but if she was interested at all that wouldn't have mattered. At least you got your answer. Cut your losses, OP. You don't need to be part of her forum anyways. She's obviously not as cool as you thought.

Email the admin saying what happened, what she did is called abusing mod power. You could get her suspended from a mod position :D

It's very possible that what OP did violated the forum's rules. In that case, the mod would have been doing her job by removing him.

Still, you NEVER ban someone right away. Of course, if OP had previous infractions, that would be a different story, but I didn't think of that when writing my previous comment.

badluckalex 23

why didnt you tell her in person?

well at least her answer was pretty clear!

OP sounds stalkerish. That is just not an appropriate forum for that sort of thing. If you like somebody then talk to them. Don't follow them around on the internet.

I voted YDI for two reasons: 1.You were probably banned because you didn't follow forum rules 2.That's not something you do on a public forum. Try face to face next time, OP