By me - 21/08/2013 23:45 - Ireland - Dublin

Today, I confessed to my boyfriend that I was in love with his best friend. He confessed that he was too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 288
You deserved it 24 148

Same thing different taste


Wizzlbang 10

This is downright Shakespearean.

That is just awesome! Experiment with your sexuality. Bring the sexy bitch into bed. Try a three way, do whatever feels good :)

MsMourningStar 22

I think a threesome would be a bad idea if they're both really in love with the best friend. Too much emotion mixed in there.

You must be a direct descendant of Einstein #genius

Though no one said the best friend was male.

Rexington27 7

Relationship status has been changed to complicated.

Oh I like this! No hard feelings hey?

This sounds like the intro to a porno... now all you need is a shemale, 3 midgets, a goat, a copious amount of spandex, and a few 18 inch ****** and you've reached perfection!

hotPinklipstick 24

I'm curious as to what kind of **** you're into. I have a feeling you have to erase everything in your computer after a fapping session.

I heard that Midgets (sorry not PC) at the "Bunny Range" get paid a hell of a lot more than some of the higher end girls do. At first, I thought they would get paid half the amount but nope, there's a strange high demand for them. :P

nnnope 26

31 - I see what you did there, and there...

Quite the soap opera love triangle you have going on.