By me - 21/08/2013 23:45 - Ireland - Dublin

Today, I confessed to my boyfriend that I was in love with his best friend. He confessed that he was too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 288
You deserved it 24 148

Same thing different taste


maraka_musso_fml 16

What an interesting love triangle. The best friend must be someone really loveable.

That's a bit better hop to it so your boyfriend beats you to it....

Well then... Threesome? Polygamous relationship?

That best friend must be really something. I suggest a threesome

asliceoflife 11

Well this is rare, a true love triangle has emerged.

xAkonz 10

I feel like you sort of deserved that for not breaking up with him first.

I don't think either is the best thing. If she first breaks up with him, she wouldn't have any explanation, and then it would be even worse if she got together with his best friend. I think the easiest thing is to just tell the truth and get all of those problems out all at once.

reymon8823 24

Ewww.. Better off without him i guess