By me - 21/08/2013 23:45 - Ireland - Dublin

Today, I confessed to my boyfriend that I was in love with his best friend. He confessed that he was too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 288
You deserved it 24 148

Same thing different taste


Well, on the bright side op, least you have nothing to feel guilty about anymore.

TaraMoon_fml 11

must be a very handsome guy, his bestfriend.

A lot of people are shouting "threesome!", but you know, there are long-term-stable polyamorous triads and quads that aren't just a sex thing. Maybe the three of you should talk about that?

Now you two have something in common

mikaellikestacos 14

Maybe he/she is just that amazing the he turned gay

So? You like his best friend, instead of him, so why does it matter if he's gay/bi? You should be his ex anyways since you fell for someone else.

rebellionwars 11