By Lonely - 11/03/2010 12:16 - New Zealand

Today, I congratulated my friend for getting engaged. This is the fourth friend of mine this year that has become engaged. I haven't even had a boyfriend yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 115
You deserved it 5 687

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get a boyfriend when there's a boy or man in your life that you really really like. Don't do it just because everybody else does.

FMyLifeCereal 0

Maybe you just have higher standards


goldspeck 0

hm take a hint obviously something you're doing isn't going well with the oposite sex.


Angry women may be great in bed but make miserable girlfriends. So, lighten up.

Hang on, honey. Good things come to those who wait.

i will marry you for your money, sex, and precription drug medicine.

Yea, like a multitude of stray cats and collection of "as seen on TV" items.

flcl2 2

are you ugly and/or fat? you gotta be, because even average girls get hit on. maybe hit the gym, or develop a personality, whichever is easier for you.