By Lonely - 11/03/2010 12:16 - New Zealand

Today, I congratulated my friend for getting engaged. This is the fourth friend of mine this year that has become engaged. I haven't even had a boyfriend yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 115
You deserved it 5 687

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get a boyfriend when there's a boy or man in your life that you really really like. Don't do it just because everybody else does.

FMyLifeCereal 0

Maybe you just have higher standards


Watch and wait. Soon all your friends will come to you to tell you about their problems with their men. Suddenly being single doesn't suck as much.

marriage...... overrated, I'm going to invent "love contracts." you sign this for this long, if you like it re-up, if you don't change them out.

med_princess30 0

isn't that what dating is for? You stay with a person as long as you can tolerate them, when you can't-you let them go for a newer model?

no no, why would you sign something for someone you just met that's stupid. I'm talking about taking the place of marriage papers to satisfy the woman need for tradition and to have a last name and ect.

It's not just the last name thing, you douche. There are also financial benefits for a married couple over a dating couple who are just living together. Is that any reason to get married? No, but there's more to marriage than the female romanticism of it.

Look at it this way the more you can test drive, the better! You can always wait for the newer model. Not life ending all my girlfriends are getting married or having children. Just enjoy the ride! : )

why is marriage a destination? girl, find out what you love in life and who you truly are. dont be so obsessed with finding a man, cause believe me, it will NOT bring you happiness unless you can be happy by yourself first.

hey, who needs males? if vibrators could get you pregnat there'd be no need for em.

sounds like someone is a little bitter. been left in dumpville a lot, eh?

Maybe your standards are just too high. Then again maybe you're just a repulsive bitch who constantly whines when your friend's find happiness.

perdix 29

Serves you right for having the vanity to hang out with hot, sexy, desirable girls. You want a boyfriend? Here's what ya do: Start hanging out with girls that are uglier, fatter and less desirable than you. That way, you'll be the "hot" one when a group of loser guys approaches your herd, and you will have your pick of the best of them. Or, the least worst of them.

guckylynn 19

Wow that's really not a big deal. You'll meet someone when you're ready.

lifeisaplay 0

What's the big deal? I've been single for about a couple years and I'm doing fine!

could be worse.. you could have a boyfriend that should've already proposed and hasn't AND all of your friends are marrying people that they've dated less than you and your beau. that's worse.... at least you don't have people saying WHEN ARE YOU GETTING MARRIED?? or WHY HASN'T HE ASKED YOU??? people know your single, so it's not thrown in your face all the time..... don't make your friends feel bad about their engagement/marriage by complaining about your situation.. that would be very selfish and low... just be happy from them and have fun celebrating with them..... you'll probably learn a lot from helping them w/ their weddings and you might meet someone through their weddings... ;)

Don't worry, you'll feel better when half of them get a divorce.