By Lonely - 11/03/2010 12:16 - New Zealand

Today, I congratulated my friend for getting engaged. This is the fourth friend of mine this year that has become engaged. I haven't even had a boyfriend yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 115
You deserved it 5 687

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get a boyfriend when there's a boy or man in your life that you really really like. Don't do it just because everybody else does.

FMyLifeCereal 0

Maybe you just have higher standards


Coccinelle_fml 15

Don't worry! when all these girls' husbands cheat on them and they cry, you'll laugh!

You can always become a "cat lady"! Or consider just getting out there. Just remember if you are unhappy with youself, others are going to have a hard time being happy with you too. At least you have friends!

if it's that big of a deal... find one? really, complaining about your lack of a love life on the Internet won't get you anywhere. go out to places where you think interesting guys will be. but I agree with some other posters here. if you rush into a relationship, it's more than likely doomed to fail

I'm at that age too where every month I'm pretty sure I'll be attending one or two weddings. You just need a different mindset, and learn to be happy for the blessings of others. Be patient and your time will come. In the meantime, get laid. :)

boatkicker 4

I'm sorry that you're upset, OP. But boyfriends, fiances, and husbands aren't really something that you should rush. If there isn't someone for you right now, force a smile, and wait it out. There isn't much else to do. Don't go out looking for him, that almost never works and you end up convincing yourself that the one guy who might show a little interest in you is the one. But also do not close yourself out. Go out, have fun with friends, and their lovers and friends. Meet people, and just see what happens. Of course there will be moments where it will suck being single, but they will pass. They are just moments. In the mean time be happy with yourself, and good luck in life.

Intellectualist 0

the world needs more people like this ^

Agreed completely with boatkicker. There's no need to feel down because you don't have a boyfriend. You should enjoy your time as a single woman. Also, A lot of people say that when you're not looking for it, that's when love finds YOU! In my experience, it's completely true. I mean, go out with your friends, like boatkicker said, and put yourself out there, but don't try to search love out or track it down. :)

youthink_fml 0

So? If it's that important to you, why not go out and find yourself a boyfriend? You have to put effort into the system if you want to get something out of it in return.