By Poly24 - 27/08/2013 10:32 - France - La Courneuve

Today, I could hear my daughter playing with her Barbie dolls in her room. "Do you think your boss will agree to give you a raise?", she said. "Of course, we slept together!" My daughter is six. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 142
You deserved it 8 917

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I always thought Barbie was a ***** who would sleep her way to the top. Now I have definitive proof.

And this is why Barbie has been had soooo many different careers ;) haha


Thats a WoW! She should have heared from someone els!

Ah the joys of being raised by television.. Unless you maybe have an older daughter, whom your young one could've overheard?..or even worse - a secretly gay husband? Oooohh, the possibilities..

Children repeat things that they hear from their parents. You gotta be careful what u talk about in front of your kids because they will repeat.

zafan123 6

That's why people shouldn't watch too much tv

there are many places other than tv she could have heard it from!

The good thing is that she is so young she probably believes that sleeping together is just sleeping in the same bed

At least she knows how the world works.

caligirllife 11

She's probably just overheard adult conversation you've had or heard it from TV shows you watch. Kids sometimes seem like they aren't listening but their brains are taking in all sorts of things that they or you aren't even aware of. Be careful op. ask her where she heard it from

I have a daughter the same age, and I would just die...

love_mom2 6

no more tv, no more computers, no cell phones. this girl should only read books!