By outthelabyrynth - 27/08/2013 14:46 - Netherlands - Egelshoek
outthelabyrynth tells us more.
Okay, maybe break the piano was a bit of a drastic solution. It's really heavy and my dad got it as a gift from one of his patients, so I'm not really familiar with the thing. It's really old and out of tune, we do get it tuned once in a while, but it doesn't make any difference. We are trying to find someone who's interested in it, since we don't use it anymore, and for that reason we had placed the piano in a side part of the house. I'm a responsible cat owner and I know that when you get a new cat you have to let it get used to your house room by room. Unfortunately for us, it was the piano room... I still have no idea how she got in, since the piano is a really massive thing, no holes or stuff like that. We had to take of the front (which also happens when it gets tuned) to get her out, but she was completely fine and so was the piano, so, that turned out all right :) For those of you who were asking if I bought or adopted the cat, I meant bought. I really think adopting is better! But this cat species is hypo-allergic, and since my dad is allergic to cats, this was the only way we could get one. I've wanted a cat for whole my life and after 16 years, my dream came true, and everyone here loves our little kitty :) I laughed at all your musical kitty jokes, and thanks for all the advice! Happy holidays xxx
Top comments
keyboard cat? but hopefully you got the cat out alright and the piano doesn't require extensive repair.
I think it was just a regular break.
Well the cat got in there somehow, One would assume that it can get out the same way. I don't see why the piano had to be broken.
It might have gotten stuck so the cat can't get out. That would be my guess.
@22, not necessarily. When I got my cat, he figured out very quickly how to open my kitchen drawers. He would open the lowest one, climb in, and then actually squeeze himself behind and UNDER the drawer. Then the drawer would close and of course he couldn't open it to get out so I would have to take out the entire drawer to let him out. So it's definitely possible that the cat got into the piano but didn't have a way of coming back out without help.
I would watch what I say if I were you 88, who knows what the cats might do to you when their inevitable world domination plan succeeds.
should get professionals to take it apart
Feed her inside the piano and let her grow up to be one musical kitty.
you'd think a cat could get themselves unstuck? maybe it just likes chilling up there and won't come out for you, but might on its own?
Some cats just can't figure things out. Ex: my one cat doesn't understand how to use her new kitty litter box that has a flapping door. I put her in it and she just sat there meowing and crying because the dum-dum doesn't know to push it with her head. Now she pees on top of it through its filter vents!
Wait 50... You're a cat... Who owns a cat!?
Well, people owned people back in the day..?
Well, her nick is "Enslaved", so that works out okay, I guess.
13 that is just amazing. I bet Depussy is catatonic.
"Concerto for Claws and Orchestra".
This solves....?
Thought of that too, but what to send in after the dog? A snake? :P
Send a cow to chase the dog, send the dog to catch the cat, I don't know why she sent the cat, perhaps she'll cry.
That sounds like A Major catastrophe, OP. With a dilemma of this scale, patience and delicacy is key,
Woah! Let's scale the puns down, Pleo! On a side note, no matter whose keyboard it is, whether Minor yours, I wouldn't break it open yet. There has to be another way to get the cat out so you and the keyboard can stay in harmony.
I love these puns. Ivory one of them.
Wow, I just cat believe this! I had to paws for a second to C if I read that right. I guess you could say puns are your forte. Keep pun making these puns.
Sometimes I wonder what it'll be like, many years in the future, when people are looking through the archives of the internet and come across all of the puns in the comments in FML. Especially given how much the syntax of the English language changes from one generation to the next. Also, its 2 am and I have no friends.
He saw the opportunities, he took the opportunities.
Now you have to be playing one sad song...
What a terrible ******* pun.
You took the pun to bed, did you #29? That's really the only way you would know.
Get her out from where she got in. There must be some way.
That's not how cat traps work. After the cat trap is filled to capacity (20 or so cats typically) it must be pushed out a tall window onto a busy sidewalk and filmed in slow motion. - Hater of Cats
Dude the Internet loves cats. Are you new around here? You won't last long.
I wasn't buried. Clearly I have supporters... and one day, we will take back the Internets. ALL the Internets.
Not buried. But failing? Yes.
Buried now. :)
I was walking with a friend once and we passed a "free kittens" sign. He said "Wait. Is this redundant? There are kittens somewhere that AREN'T free?"
Can't you just open the piano? Or you could smash it Madea style... Sounds much more fun!
Pianos are really expensive ._. Like buying a car expensive. Not the 40k+ kind tho.
That's for sure, I've seen antique pianos sell for over $100,000. They can be quite pricey indeed.
Is this some sort of pussy joke? No? Just me, huh? Ok I'm leaving

Feed her inside the piano and let her grow up to be one musical kitty.
That sounds like A Major catastrophe, OP. With a dilemma of this scale, patience and delicacy is key,