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By DBZ - 20/02/2012 15:53 - United States

Today, I couldn’t have a conversation with my fiancé unless it was about Dragon Ball Z. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 700
You deserved it 7 543

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Da_Bauss435 8

yell "KA ME HA ME HA!!!" and punch him in the face


Glitterhinoceros 14

Woah, Pokemon dominates Dragon Ball Z, what is wrong with you?

DontModMeDammit 10

Correction only the first 150, the rest are no good.

I liked gen2 pokemon also and I could tolerate the third Gen games. my most used app is my gameboy color emulater that lets me play crystal and blue version

Ahhh, those good old days when people would come to school with their beyblades and yugioh cards

HannahWho 8

Your boyfriend rocks Op. The best men are Nastalgic.

shanemaximo 7

Wtf is wrong with you people?! DBZ is a show of ******* super powers and blowing up planets and punching people in the face!! Pure awesome!

This makes me want to watch DB and DBZ for the third or forth time. It was the anime for most of our childhoods.

xSwagSavyx 2

Hey u should hit me up some time

Chaith 16

Hey Vegeta, what does the scouter say about your couch-sleeping level?

jbr88 0

You got to be on crack sjakalabsbka

Do you guys talk about your power levels in bed?

reckless1 2

Tell him u are his chichi and u want him to raise his ki. That will get his attention for sure

I think we can all agree that dragonball z and 1st gen maybe 2nd gen pokemon are both awesome.

Gogetajh 3


*...hump-hump-hump...* what's this?! My hump radar IT'S OVER 9000!!!!! glarahgeraaaaah*cums*

145- Another good way to go about it is: right before cumming go Kaaameeehaaameee..HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. (the last "ha" is clearly done while cumming)

Hell no DBZ is the best cartoon ever haha

Link5794 18

More blowing up of the moon, really. It happens at least three times throughout the whole series, counting Dragon Ball, DBZ, and DBGT.

The_9th_Doctor 18
turtlesarerad14 13

Why is it a competition? Both are great :)

Da_Bauss435 8

yell "KA ME HA ME HA!!!" and punch him in the face

Talk about his balls and how they remind you of dragons.

Maybe you could have him tickle your vageeta if you know what I'm Saiyan?

dragon ball was the coolest thing ever when I was 6 I tried to watch it not that long ago (as I sill love anime) and I got a concussion from multiple facepalms

Facepalm concussion. That sounds serious.

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27- That comment is too long to thumb you down on my iPhone app. So, 1. Failed text picture is fail and 2. **** you.

If your really that stupid, put your iPhone sideways, ta-da . Common sense, like really?

I thumbed it down on my ipod, just go to the middle and slide your finger to the right

Oh my god! Not a thumb down, what are you gonna do next throw a cheerio at me? Lol

At the moment 6 people and counting are unable to turn their apple device 90 degrees to see a picture... *astonished*

quite_bored 9

I saw it in landscape on my phone and it's still ****** up, maybe you failed.

it is it can cause brain threemors (much more serious than tumors)

Well it did start out as a gag anime so you really shouldn't have extremely high expectations for it. Then again, you may also be watching the english dubbed version which is pretty bad compared to the original japanese dialogue. Or you just don't like it which I won't hold against you.

You should be glad. Your husband-to-be is learning good morals from goku. ;) And also, skills on how to be a good father.

OwnageTheCat 2

A good father? I must admit that Goku was awesome, but he wasn't even around for Gohan or Goten for half the ******* series.

Gogetajh 3

hole up, goku was dead for a year and six months at most, dbz lasts from gohans birth to the end of the buu saga, about 18 to 21 years!!!! gohan time...

dethbunny 0

But he also let his children see thousands of people die and let them watch (in gohans case) all their friend die AND, made them fight godly powerful people. Goku was a horrific father

Link5794 18

DBZ Abridged point out Goku's bad parenting.

Piccolo served as a better father figure to Gohan than Goku himself though.

I just wouldn't have had a conversation with him then lol

Yes ignore your fiance forever, great plan.