By Anonymous - 09/05/2009 14:48 - United States

Today, I decided I would eat healthy in order to lose weight. Feeling powerful, I threw away all of the icecream in my freezer. An hour later, I picked the icecream carton out of the garbage and ate the entire half-melted carton. FML
I agree, your life sucks 222
You deserved it 458

Top comments

moleSG 6

YDI. If you can't control your cravings that badly, then you need to throw it away and KEEP it away.

Sorry, that is disgusting. I've never heard of anyone who has such a lack of self control.


jackiness 0

I think this is more of a MLIA than an FML xD

Wow. there are lots of fighting in these comments. I''m not even gonna say anything else.

beachbabe_9123 1

Lol I don't think it's disgusting or horrible because well your a liar if you say you've never binged on something before. I mean hell I just weighed myself today and am only 105 so I'm not "fat" but today alone I've had 3 icecream cones, king size reeses, lunch at mcd's, cereal, and I'm about to eat a pizza. Lol so I bing alot myself and can't control the urge against anything (especially pizza haha) so cut them some slack, just cause they had the balls to post it on here doesn't mean talk crap like i said I'm sure you've done something like this before too unless your that much of a health freak that all you eat is tofu. in that case, you need a new tongue.

GidgetAdores 0

BAHAHAHA!!! Sounds like something I would do ha

you never throw away precious ice cream. it's the law.

Lol, totally something i would do. x] Cute Comic btw. :]

imagewontfocus 0

Question. Why is everyone in an all out war over this FML? You either think it's funny or you don't. That's it. There doesn't need to be excess criticism and therefore an outpouring of support. Pretty sure this website is for people to laugh. The rude comments are unnecessary. Laugh or scroll on to the next one. Hurtful words may make you feel like a superior being, but it does nothing but break others down. FML should bring people together, so they can laugh at all the shit we, as human beings, must go through. FML is not supposed to take someone that is down and push them further away from a smile. SO! **** the haters. Personally I thought it was funny. (And if I didn't I wouldn't have been an asshole and spent time telling you so.) Ps. Nice art, I like it. I also like ice cream. Just saying. (And to the haters, I'm not fat so don't tell me I need to lose weight too.)

Absolutely love the illustration :D Well done. I vote both. FYL because you didn't have enough will power to overcome the healthy option... and YTDI for being really rank and going through the garbage. If it was in a rubbish bin, fair enough... cos it's in a container or a box (it's still gross though) but if you threw it straight into an apartment dumpster... that's just disgusting.

paperhearts_xx 0

you know, you could have just gone to the store and bought some more ice-cream....