By dm206 - 10/06/2009 17:47 - United States

Today, I decided that I was going to get my front license plate put back on my car after two years of having it off. In these two years I somehow never got pulled over for it, as it is illegal to drive without one in MD. On my way there, I got pulled over for not having a front license plate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 143
You deserved it 51 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kmfyr 0

Why did you drive without the plate for two years? o.O

Can't you put your plates on by yourself?


shortandproud13 14

Couldn't you have just said you were going right then to get it put on? If you had it in the car with you, you could have pointed it out. Can't you also just get it fixed, which would nullify the ticket? I've heard that with burnt out lights and driving without a license (on you).

Some counties don't care while others will enforce the rule.

Have them out on? Do you not know how to put the screws in on your own?

peterblack67 9

On your way where? To get it put on? You couldn't do that yourself??