By dm206 - 10/06/2009 17:47 - United States

Today, I decided that I was going to get my front license plate put back on my car after two years of having it off. In these two years I somehow never got pulled over for it, as it is illegal to drive without one in MD. On my way there, I got pulled over for not having a front license plate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 143
You deserved it 51 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kmfyr 0

Why did you drive without the plate for two years? o.O

Can't you put your plates on by yourself?


Phoenix_GAD 0

number 2:you are an idiot, and you need to read these more closely... they already knew that its illegal, durr. and w00t maryland!!

On your way where? You couldn't screw it on yourself?

romeomanifold 0

In MoCo they actually don't care, it's when you get into Frederick County that they start to pull you over for stupid shit

similar situation happened to me, except I was going for tabs. still, idi and ydi. gotta pay the tax man.

serves you right for living in a communist state which doesn't respect the constitution or the second amendment

I'm surprised the cop didn't shoot you in the balls and leave you for the rodents.

she was probably on her way to the MVA to pick up her license plates. chill. ydi OP. I'm surprised you didn't get pulled over sooner lol of course, if you live in Charm City the police are too busy to call you out on it.... but in my part of the state they have nothing better to do lol :)

That is a ridiculous law which is why a lot of states dont have it, why does he deserve it?

you should have had someone take you