By tdudey123 - 11/09/2012 23:07 - Canada - Toronto
tdudey123 tells us more.
I'm just gonna comment for the badge :P And yes, she was moving around, due to the bus rattling around (I hope).
Top comments

What's worse is the fact that some men have a fetish when it comes to older women. I'll never understand why men can't just stuck to their own age group. But in your case that's just uncomfortable. I'm sorry, OP.
The old ladies got "experience".
Way to be narrowminded! Do you want a cookie or a medal?
Im sensing some unfortunate past that involved a boy, an old lady, and #1.
Well, what you have in common with old ladies is 20-something boys, and cats. 15 of them to be exact. Now, just get old, and you'll get the boys, too.
Whoa Caligirl.. AKA #1- Age is just a number!!
1- Everyone has their fetishes, you are in no position to judge them. Plus, this FML has nothing to even do with that.
Well women have fetishes as well, also that specific one. And stop being so ******* narrow minded, fetishes are totally okay, why not spice up the kinky stuff a bit. As to the fml: apparently gentlemen do get lucky too.
Maybe daddy dumped mommy for a young Hotty, and #1 is not happy sharing her Capri Sun's with her new mommy!
It's called sexuality 1. Men and woman experience it in their own distinctive ways.Also there is absolutely nothing wrong with a guy having a thing for a older woman. Don't be judgmental.
Better than no lap dance..
Did you talk about the first thing that came up?
That's disgusting!
Doesn't matter, had.... A lap dance?
Hey at peast it was free!
I would of been fine with no lap dance.
Your pretty. I want to take you to a ball
Don't lie to yourself, we all saw that bulge you got. Saucy
At least it's a one in a lifetime experience.
Unless he liked it.
Yeah. So is dying.
One of the many experiences in life that people can live without
Clearly you don't have much experience with inner city public transit.
I would just like to point out that just because a woman sits on your lap, doesn't mean it's a lap dance. It's called she's sittin on your lap. Now if she was moving around and grinding on you, then yes, it would then be a lap dance
This is the dumbest comment I've read in a while. Thanks for the laughs.
So wait, are you telling me that after all these years, Santa doesn't just deliver all those presents around the world because each kid gave him a lap dance? Wtf. What's his motivation then???!!!!!
5 I think OP was implying that since they were on a bus, she WAS moving around unintentionally.
Oh really?! Thank you now i understand how lap dances work
I completely sympathize with you OP. I am sorry you had to endure that. It was lovely of you to offer up your place. On a side note; please allow me to point one thing out, being polite should not be a decision one should make. It's sad that some people "decide" to not be polite and kind. Good for you, OP, for doing what's right! Even though you were sort of molested.
Not nearly as molested as I was by airport security -.-
I bet that made every bump that more awkward.
shoulda started talkin about the first thing that pops up

Maybe you needed to be more specific about the seat you were offering her.
Better than no lap dance..