By Anonymous - 08/02/2017 08:00 - Korea, Republic of - Pyongtaek

Today, I broke it off with my mistress so that I could work on my marriage. Shortly after, my wife received an anonymous message, saying that I'd been unfaithful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 553
You deserved it 25 111

Same thing different taste

Top comments


cheshireau 26

I hope you aren't expecting any sympathy for Us, because you are out of luck. Douche.

Rock_Lobsterr 10

I mean.... what the hell did you expect to happen?

lilchica22001 22

Gee, I wonder who sent your wife an "anonymous" message?

The only way he could have salvaged that is if he came clean to his wife before she was messaged. He still might have gotten skewered, but he could be given credit for confessing.

oh poor you! how awful that your mistress told your wife, it's almost like you don't deserve either of disgusting. if you cheat you deserve it.

You deserve that 100% don't be dumb and cheat on your wife