By Anonymous - 08/02/2017 08:00 - Korea, Republic of - Pyongtaek

Today, I broke it off with my mistress so that I could work on my marriage. Shortly after, my wife received an anonymous message, saying that I'd been unfaithful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 553
You deserved it 25 111

Same thing different taste

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Karma didn't treat you well, huh? So what did your wife said when she got the text?

That sucks OP. Good luck. Hope you get your marriage sorted. If it does end up with divorce just keep in mind that the reasons for you stepping out probably wouldn't have gotten sorted out anyway.

LevelupKid 8

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it is weird how people say F your life. Considering you cheated and tried to get away with it. Now who can you blame besides youself? Nobody. YDI

I don't understand cheating. If you aren't getting what you need from a marriage, talk about it or get a divorce. If what you want is a side piece, then get permission, or get a divorce. You totally deserved it and I hope she gets the house and sticks you with some steep alimony. Cheaters suck.

TheUnknownsoldier 5

I have no clue how you have a wife and a mistress when I can't even have a girlfriend.

It didn't occur to you to work on your marriage before you started screwing around? YDI.