By Anonymous - 08/02/2017 08:00 - Korea, Republic of - Pyongtaek

Today, I broke it off with my mistress so that I could work on my marriage. Shortly after, my wife received an anonymous message, saying that I'd been unfaithful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 553
You deserved it 25 111

Same thing different taste

Top comments


sgdigaetano 3

Guess it wasn't so anonymous, was it??

You're nothing but a worthless sack of shit, I hope your wife takes everything from you in the divorce you scumbag!

Good. You deserve it. You deserved it the second you chose to cheat.

... what, are you expecting sympathy? You cheated on your wife, dipshit. You MORE than deserved it.

All these people assuming there's not more to the story.. maybe his wife cheated also so he went and did it and then realized that he would rather work on his marriage so neither had to .. who tf knows

Even if that's what happened it does change anything. This would mean he could have handled this like grown ass man but chose to act like a child instead. "You scribbled my drawing so i'm scribbling yours." Is the type of mentality that only brings more problems.

Okay? lie. unless she has concrete evidence, lie your way out of it.

Hope she takes you to the cleaners during divorce proceedings.

bobsanction 18

Don't cheat on your wife dumbass

Oh no really? Poor you... Cheating shit you really aren't smart are you...