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By Salzburg - 06/05/2019 12:00

Today, my sister and I got a room in the attic of an old hotel, while our parents got a room several floors down. We discovered the room was full of bugs. Our parents didn't believe us, so we brought them some as proof. They told us to get over it. We can't sleep. We've killed 50 and counting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 105
You deserved it 193

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My question is, why would your parents NOT believe that? OP: “Ew, Mom, Dad, there’s a ton of bugs in our room”. Parents: “I honestly can’t think of why there’d be bugs in an attic room, which means you must be lying. Now go back to bed”.

Why are you bugging your parents? You should bee calling your ant! It mite tick her off, but she’ll fly in to help you.


colderthanyou 15

Like bedbugs, roaches or other bugs? It sounds like a bit of an infestation regardless. I’d complain to a manager or call a health inspector

My question is, why would your parents NOT believe that? OP: “Ew, Mom, Dad, there’s a ton of bugs in our room”. Parents: “I honestly can’t think of why there’d be bugs in an attic room, which means you must be lying. Now go back to bed”.

Sonotsuave 35

Wtf? This doesn’t make sense. Bro my biggest loathing in the world is for bugs I would be beside myself if that happened to me. I don’t understand why your parents would assume you’re lying for a logical problem. Go to the hotel manager and ask to change rooms so that soon the attic can eventually get disinfected. You paid money didn’t you? You should be able to request a room change or at least make your parents do so.

Why are you bugging your parents? You should bee calling your ant! It mite tick her off, but she’ll fly in to help you.

I would collect as many as I could and relocate them to your parents room

And then yell “Get over it bitches”!

So you complained to the hotel manager right? Or just to your folks?

tounces7 27

WTF kinda hotel puts you in the attic?

I'm wondering why you're in the attic. And if it's that infested, you should definitely mention it to the hotel management. And demand a refund.

I read the last sentence first and was like O_O