By BearMan - 09/02/2009 22:00 - United States

Today, I decided to come out to a co-worker. She looked at me, then laughed, and said, "You can't be gay, you're fat!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 080
You deserved it 4 880

Same thing different taste

Top comments

beililee 0

omg. that's horrible. I hope you responded with "and you can't be straight. you're skinny." (if she was a skinny bitch that is)

itsucktobeme 0

That is so terrible... I hope that you said something to that mean bitch. But on another note Good for you for coming out!!!!


beililee 0

omg. that's horrible. I hope you responded with "and you can't be straight. you're skinny." (if she was a skinny bitch that is)

toaster468 0

Now fat gay people, WHAT HAS THIS WORLD COME TO???!?!

Suzumebachi 5

The reason skinny girls are bitchy is because they're always hungry...

Are you saying that lesbians are fat?..Last time I checked Ellen Is pretty damn skinny and so our people in my life who happen to be lesbians. Stereotypes are horrible. And that is a horrible comeback.

Ignore my above comment I apologize, I had read everything wrong.

jkqd 1

Saying "I hate skinny guys" makes you a horrible and disgusting bigot as well. The worst part is, I'm sure #8 felt very self-congratulatory after "sticking up" for fat people.

itsucktobeme 0

That is so terrible... I hope that you said something to that mean bitch. But on another note Good for you for coming out!!!!

quiksta 0

that's bullshit, she's nothing but some sex and the city type *****. BE GAY and own her with your pride and weight

quiksta 0

now that i'm thinking about this, maybe she was just trying to do some mean style flirting. by saying you can't be gay she intimates that she wants you, but she can't be so outright about it so she has to put you down as well to not make it obvious. maybe i'm just blazed off this lamb's breath.

Bears are adorable. She's obviously an insensitive, closet homophobic bitch.

My favorite FML!. Hang in there, the gay world is tough on appearances. If your happy with your weight FHL. F*ck Her Life!

justjayit 0

I guess I can see the humor in it when I look at the stereotypes, but honestly, her response still disgusts me.

I agree. It's disgusting for her to treat a coworker (well, anyone) like that. Unfortunately, BearMan, I can tell you from experience that that's not the worst thing you'll hear from the straight people in your life. That's why the LGBTetc. family is there for you. Don't forget that.