By ohseven6421 - 03/09/2010 04:13 - United States

Today, I decided to drive my mothers Bentley. She is out of town and told me not to go near the car. Being 17, I didn't listen. As I was backing out the driveway, I was hit by an SUV, seriously damaging my moms car. Who was driving the SUV? My mom, coming home early. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 102
You deserved it 79 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

_mystique_ 0

You deserved it, doesn't matter if you're 17 driving a Bentley which isn't even yours is retarded regardless.


don't touch the bently because you probably HAD your own luxury car. **** you.


I'm 16 and i immediately clicked you deserve it after i read "i decided to drive my mothers Bentley". and YDI again for posting a FML when you're ******* loaded.

UpYoursInAdvance 0

YDI for being ******* hard headed... You gotta know when to resist temptaion Mr. My Family'sgotitall...

I hit that YDI button faster than you hit your mum's car. Being 17 is never an excuse for being an complete idiot.

I predict one of the highest YDI to YLS ratios ever.

Sounds like a spoiled lil rich brat whos family are wasteful idiots. Let's spend 200K or more on a Bentley that gets 8 mpg and lets buy an SUV that gets 12 mpg. We'll only take the Bentley to social events...a few times a month. The rest of the time we'll park it in the garage but leave the door open so people can see it. We'll take the SUV from the house to the mailbox because we're too lazy to walk. We'll tell our brat kid not to drive the Bentley and hope he stays laying near the pool getting fed by servants or maybe he'll hang out in his room (a.k.a. Media center) with his 60" plasma TV...blah blah blah...**** YOU! I hope the ground you and make you live in the nuke bunker behind the house and take away you allowance of $800. per month. Slack ass piece of shit!

amazinggbaby 2

You think they got ther wealth handed to them for nothing? The parents worked for what they have! If they have the money and can afford to do what they want with it, don't be jealous and assume that they're idiots. Except for the son. That kid is no doubt a spoiled brat.

M2M4Ever 0

what goes around comes around. hopefully u don't get arrest for vandalism!

I love how OP says, "Being 17..." like "I know that I'm stupid, but I'm still going to try and make it seem like I can't help it".