By Anonymous - 23/01/2014 03:42 - Australia - Wheelers Hill

Today, I decided to dye my hair blue. The result is slightly different than I expected: my white bathroom is now blue, and so are my skin and nails. The only thing that isn't blue is my hair, which is now green. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 430
You deserved it 21 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People are going to think you murdered a smurf in there.

Lasagnaa 24

It must have been a horrible job if your bathroom is blue. sorry OP


Callilah 13

Bleach for your bathroom nod vinegar for you

Callilah 13

Bleach for your bathroom and vinegar for your skin and nails:)

Dye the rest of your body and be a avatar :D

haha Im considering getting blue hair. thanks for helping me realize that it's probably best to go to a professional

catanita 18

Did you were blonde before? This would explain the green color (blue + yellow = green). In every dye pack you should find some plastic gloves, or a manufacturer that respect him and his clients should provide a pair.

The only brand that comes in a box with gloves and bleach is Splat. The others I know of are all standalone containers.

Obviously you didn't do it right. You have to basically bleach your hair white before you can dye it a color like that. YDI for not doing your research, OP.

Use towels to cover the sink and dye your hair over that. Use gloves to put the dye in your hair and when you're washing it out. I use a rat tail comb to distribute the dye throughout my hair. Also if your hair is heavily pigmented (dark blonde, brown, black, etc), you MUST bleach it first. Depending on your hair and the color, there's 10 vol, 20 vol, 30 vol and 40 vol, they are more damaging the higher the number, check the lightening packet to see how much it lightens (1 shade, 3 shades, 7 shades, etc), and stay within the brand. I would go to a professional to bleach your hair, unless you know what you're doing or willing to take the risk. If you are, there are lots of guides online. Your hair must reach a light blonde color, any orange( if your hair is dark, I don't know about lighter colors) means you have to lighten more, otherwise it won't come out right, then heavily condition with something that has protein. Wait a day or two before dying your hair whatever color to give your hair a break. This is a simple outline, you should probably research, especially with the bleach. I wonder if this OP will come back and comment. Good luck!

buttcramp 21

this is why in cosmetology school they teach what is called color theory. if you bleach brown hair and it turns orange, you use purple to correct. all kinds of little rules like this but I have no idea about blue/green lol