By Anonymous - 10/09/2011 06:35 - United States

Today, I decided to formally introduce my girlfriend to my parents. My dad took the opportunity to apologize for walking in on us a few days ago while we were having sex. It wasn't her. Thanks dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 362
You deserved it 275 713

Same thing different taste

Top comments


clementine00 1

Maybe if you weren't a cheating prick then you wouldn't have to worry about things like that happening.

hunterisblack 0

good guys like you should get caught

I agree with others: we don't know the whole story. If OP was cheating, he deserves it. OTOH, this GF could be newer or maybe they have an open relationship where they don't talk about who else they ****.

lulzmylife 4

If that were the case, why would this even be an FML? If they're in an open relationship, there would be no reason for the OP or the girlfriend to be fazed by the dad's remark. Stop making excuses for the cheating jerk. He's despicable, plain and simple.

lolwhut? I made no excuses at all, I simply said there might be more to this story than we know. I went out of my way to still blame him if he's cheating by saying that he deserved it if he was cheating. Learn to read, moron.

Hey Jude, "or maybe they have an open relationship where they don't talk about who else they ****." That's defending the OP, and couldn't be farther from the truth. Seriously, if they have an open relationship they'd have agreed upon it, therefore the girl wouldn't be upset with this situation and he wouldn't be upset his father accidentally ratted him out. Don't tell this guy to learn to read, you need to learn to think.

Except, it's NOT defending him since I specifically said that IF HE'S CHEATING HE DESERVES IT. Is this such a hard concept? I simply said that we DON'T KNOW THE SITUATION. I would defend him if the situation were that they have an open relationship and they are not supposed to talk about who they ****. But if he is cheating, then I wouldn't. I'm neither defending or attacking.

If it's the open relationship though, why would he even bother posting it as an FML?

MrJojobinks 6

You shouldn't have cheated. I would say YDI.

Wow, way to jump to conclusions everyone.... Point of clarification: We have been seeing each other for about a month. During that time we both agreed that it was not exclusive. So an old fling stopped by and booty called me. What was I suppose to do? The encounter made me realize that I do like her a lot, hence the introduction to my folks. Btw, we are still together! Sure do appreciate all you haters though, you sad bastard make me laugh!

If you agreed not to be exclusive, why was it an FML that your girlfriend found out you slept with someone else? I call bullshit.

lulzmylife 4

YDI times a million! Here's hoping she's now your ex-girlfriend.