By Anonymous - 10/09/2011 06:35 - United States

Today, I decided to formally introduce my girlfriend to my parents. My dad took the opportunity to apologize for walking in on us a few days ago while we were having sex. It wasn't her. Thanks dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 362
You deserved it 275 713

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You ******* idiot. it's guys like you that give us decent guys who wouldn't do that shit a bad name. **** you.

It's people like you that make it hard to date u f***ing a** hole! Sex is ment for the one person you love not a f***ing game!

Ok if you're going to swear just swear. We know what you're saying so it's just as bad but really annoying. Or just don't swear at all. But I agree with your comment.

105 - The site's name has a curse word in it. ****, we all swear on here. Don't be so afraid to swear; it's not like mommy's going to see what you wrote!

twilightdogstar 1

Were you actually expecting people to think it's your *dad* who's the arsehole in this scenario? If you can't stay faithful that's fine, just don't try to be in a monogamous relationship with anyone because you'll just hurt the poor girl who's being faithful to you.

JennaMarie420 2

you ******* loser, you're such a stupid asshole. How dare you post this on fml thinking you'll get some sympathy? **** off