By DMO - 07/07/2009 05:26 - United States

Today, I decided to get back into shape and go for a run. With a 1/4 mile left to run, I saw a hot chick a block ahead of me running. Trying to show off I ran hard and passed her stopping just outside my complex. I started to throw up right as she came past me because I had run so hard to pass her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 732
You deserved it 63 929

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AndelleRae 9

YDI. Maybe you and the girl who was singing along to nothing should hook up.

Glam_fml 0

Haven't you learned amything from other FMLs? Anytime you try to impress someone, it ends badly. 


Ahaha your name is tranman!!! That amuses me (: In other news: OP, you completely deserve this. kthnx

Yeesh, boyo. Everyone knows that if you're not in shape and you want to get in shape, the worst thing you can do is instantly run a few miles and not expect to die somewhere along the way. Oh I'm sorry, did I just completely miss the point? Well, you deserve it either way.

hypergeezer 0

"Trying to show off" instant YDI

deaditegirl 0

For the last time, people, trying to impress/show off/be cool = YDI.

Next time just creepily run behind her and stare at her until you get home.

Want to impress someone? Do something, anything, without screwing it all up.