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By f__k_it - 18/01/2009 16:30 - United States

Today, I decided to jack it a few times because I haven't been laid in a while. After round 3 my ex called me up and said she wanted to 'talk.' When she came over she made it abundantly clear that she wanted to make whoopie. Couldn't get it up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 981
You deserved it 42 220

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahahahahaha take it easy on the guy. he fails's technically not his fault how could he have known that his ex wanted to ahem MAKE WHOOPIE? gosh lol

feelslikeanoose 0

you definately misused "abundantly" in this. Fail


once to make you last longer, anymore than that then you're ******, or not in your case. BAIL.

feelslikeanoose 0

you definately misused "abundantly" in this. Fail

op deserves it for that (misusing "abundantly") and for calling sex "making whoopie"

Making something "abundantly clear" is a pretty common phrase, I wouldn't call that a 'misuse.'

What frightens me is how many up votes this has.

hahahahahaha take it easy on the guy. he fails's technically not his fault how could he have known that his ex wanted to ahem MAKE WHOOPIE? gosh lol

@ 4: you are probably a virgin. @ 8: YES! exactly what i was thinking. and this whole scenario is really a shame. though it more than likely saved you from some drama in the future.

your responding to 8 but your 7.... can u see the future?!

NikkiFlysKites 8

I'm wondering the samething..

Se0ul_Fr3sh 0
beezy_slayer 0

yea really whoopie what are u 12? wow this isfunny

ilaaFML 0

come on, 12 year old's know better than that.

...And some 12 year olds can spell better than you. (Not implying that I am 12. I just had the common sense of using proper grammar at that age.)

wow, you're a pussy. you oviously have no kids and you're oviously not in high school. I'm going to guess mid 40s used car salesmen no kids lives in a shitty apartment. I got creative with this one.

And you "ovisouly" can't spell and have no life whatsoever

And you're obviously a complete piece of shit

Rrandommness 0

MASTURBATION FAIL you poor guy lol

gukinator 0

#8 u would say you jacked it thrice or you jacked it three times not you jacked it thrice times op- thats happened to me, it sux :[ thats why i never jack off when i have a gf, or if its like the middle of the day

quick question... what are the O's for in this? MF would have made sense... even Mofo to a degree... but you are implying the O's each have a word they start... please elaborate.

Make whoopie? Are we watching Mallrats? Just tell her you jacked off for a bit and you can eat her out for a while as compensation. You'll eventually get it back up.

Serves you right for saying "make whoopie."