By f__k_it - 18/01/2009 16:30 - United States

Today, I decided to jack it a few times because I haven't been laid in a while. After round 3 my ex called me up and said she wanted to 'talk.' When she came over she made it abundantly clear that she wanted to make whoopie. Couldn't get it up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 980
You deserved it 42 218

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahahahahaha take it easy on the guy. he fails's technically not his fault how could he have known that his ex wanted to ahem MAKE WHOOPIE? gosh lol

feelslikeanoose 0

you definately misused "abundantly" in this. Fail


cant say that i have ever had a problem like that maybe you just need to find a hotter girl

suddenly, i am finding myself feeling a lot less pretty

i hear you man after a few i couldnt either

maybe your ex gf wasn't hott enough.

this is why you dont jack it more then twice

Make whoopie? If i were her, and you said stuff like that? I wouldn't sleep with you just for the fact that you actually say stuff like that.

um, just get her to blow you, that'll get you up in no time unless you're gay

well maybe you should get some self control and just not touch yourself

wow this post is so vague. you're skipping around the point with so many euphemisms. what are you trying to say? just spit it out

sillyteengirl 0

wow dude i heard if u dont use it u lose it but seriously 3 times? wow maybe u should have held off a little bit ..... sorry