By f__k_it - 18/01/2009 16:30 - United States

Today, I decided to jack it a few times because I haven't been laid in a while. After round 3 my ex called me up and said she wanted to 'talk.' When she came over she made it abundantly clear that she wanted to make whoopie. Couldn't get it up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 980
You deserved it 42 218

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahahahahaha take it easy on the guy. he fails's technically not his fault how could he have known that his ex wanted to ahem MAKE WHOOPIE? gosh lol

feelslikeanoose 0

you definately misused "abundantly" in this. Fail


cindybabe1211 0

make whoopie!!?! wtf....WOW! never knew ppl actually used that word 2 refer 2 sex...,,,,

who the he'll uses the term make woopie anymore?

grog_fml 3

it's because you call it "making whoopie". you're gay

SapphireSympathy 7

lmao. whoopie? dude. just say "she wanted to have sex" or "she wanted to ****" whoopie... is just sad. and that sucks for you. haha fyl

Scene from American Pie Beta House much? :)