By Screwed - 07/08/2009 23:35 - Canada

Today, I decided to surprise my husband by bringing home a case of beer and renting us a porno. He decided to surprise me by telling me he was leaving me for his pregnant girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 207
You deserved it 4 344

Same thing different taste

Top comments

God damn, that is just grade A bullshit right there. Well, at least you aren't the other woman. Just think; everyone knows she's a **** now, getting preggers from someone's HUSBAND. You on the other hand have one less asshole in your life.

When you divorce him, squeeze every penny out of the bastard!


gators1995 30

Smash a beer bottle up against his head

red61977 9

Well at least you still have beer and ****.

His loss, you sounded like a very fun and open woman!

well you are going to need the beer.

I guess we know what your doing later…

a case of beer and a porno. such romance. ydi