By Screwed - 07/08/2009 23:35 - Canada

Today, I decided to surprise my husband by bringing home a case of beer and renting us a porno. He decided to surprise me by telling me he was leaving me for his pregnant girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 207
You deserved it 4 344

Same thing different taste

Top comments

God damn, that is just grade A bullshit right there. Well, at least you aren't the other woman. Just think; everyone knows she's a **** now, getting preggers from someone's HUSBAND. You on the other hand have one less asshole in your life.

When you divorce him, squeeze every penny out of the bastard!


suckmysarcasm 10

i agree with #67 she is the best wife ever to want to spend a romantic evening with her husband and get him beer and a porno too. that like a 100 point bonus. ^^ although im more of a smirnoff man myself. ^^

Beer and ****??? Sounds like he junked the lexus to drive the mini van.....

girl_oftha_year 0

omg whats wrong with watching **** with your man? Especially husband? And beer, wow, do you think that maybe he likes beer and she was trying to be sweet, the **** was for before the sex. Its not trashy, its not classy, its ******* love you assholes.

That is amazing. I hope you realize that 95% of all men who just read that story are now in love with you. Take your pick, doll.

wow....since when does sex always have to be romantic? ... sex is just supposed to be fun- and if he (like most guys) likes beer and **** then its cool that she brings that home... and ****** up that he cheated on her

dangletsbang21 0

Most men look at ****. Many men drink beer. if you love your man, you do things to make HIm happy. Thats not trashy! Thats fun! He's an idiot and you are better off - sorry! And to those that think it's trashy - good luck if you get married. Repressed people aren't likely to be too happy either!