By Arrkyna - 23/08/2015 17:42

Today, I decided to upgrade to Windows 10. I wanted to keep my old files on the current hard drive, I clicked on the keep old files option. Thanks to Windows, I lost everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 786
You deserved it 5 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YOU HAVEN'T LOST EVERYTHING!!! in events like this Windows creates a backup. you'll find ALL your files in the "windows.old" folder. just search it up!!!

Don't trust them when it says it'll retain your old files, you need to always back up your files before upgrading or changing your OS. Sometimes Windows is nice enough to put your files in a folder on the Windows drive called "windows.old" which would be where everything you had on that drive before would be saved. However I don't know if they kept that feature in Windows 10.


copydude 7

I have installed Windows 10 on 4 computers thus far, three had 7 and one had 8.1 and have had no issues updating nor have I lost any files. It is a great system, much cleaner and faster than it's predecessors.

EmDizzle2007 28

how strange, none of my personal files were deleted.... but i backed everything up just in case..

First rule of computers: Back up everything you care about in a safe place.

Backup, backup always backup. Plus type in windows.old, windows usually does a backup.

huehuebrbr 5

Biggest rule of computers is always have backups. The 2nd biggest rule is NEVER install windows 10 unless you want Microsoft saving literally every single thing you type including passwords and such. It's called telemetry. Windows 7 and 8 have this too, but the feature is in the form of updates that can be uninstalled easily. Windows 10 was built around telemetry, so you're stuck with it on 10. Oh I should also mention that Microsoft can also see you search for files on your own computer and have future plans to deliver DMCA notices to people who type the name of a movie that was illegally downloaded. If that's not invasion of privacy I don't know what is.

papa_raatsi 9

It's best to back up everything important on your PC in case this happens. Windows 10 sucks.