By Zyopy - 18/12/2015 08:33 - Australia - Hampton

Today, I didn't secure my friend's wheelchair well enough to my car roof before giving him a ride. It flew off mid-drive and we still haven't found it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 993
You deserved it 7 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did he just sit in the car awkwardly as you searched.

Let's just hope no one 'found' it with their windshield


jaylaufers 13

Did anyone else read this as OP strapping the wheelchair with his friend in it to the roof

Hahhah now I picture OP searching for his missing friend!

Publikwerks 14

Ted> "Well you never should have trusted me. I'm on drugs."

Let's just hope no one 'found' it with their windshield

Hopefully he has some kind of warranty on it. Good luck!

That's wheely bad. Way to cut the legs right out from under your friend.

tiger820 20

LMAO, this made me think of Barry Kripke off Big Bang Theory!...... so classic

jebron 13

Your friend wasn't in it was he?

And you don't notice something like a wheelchair flying off the roof of your car how?

Do you not own a car with a back seat or trunk? They are not that big...

SavageCabbage 8

That's some crippling news ;)