By Zyopy - 18/12/2015 08:33 - Australia - Hampton

Today, I didn't secure my friend's wheelchair well enough to my car roof before giving him a ride. It flew off mid-drive and we still haven't found it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 993
You deserved it 7 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did he just sit in the car awkwardly as you searched.

Let's just hope no one 'found' it with their windshield


As I was halfway through reading this, I thought you had him strapped to your roof IN his chair

Today my friend gave me a ride. Sadly, he didn't secure my wheelchair to his roof well enough (ooc I'm hoping it wasn't a collapsible one) to his car roof. Now, instead of helping me find a replacement, he's looking for the old, probably stolen one. FML

"Today, I trusted my friend to secure my wheelchair on top of his car. FML."

Okay, why the hell would you strap a WHEELCHAIR of all things to a roof of a car?? If it was a fold up, put it in the trunk. If it doesn't fold up, transfer him into the car and leave it behind so he can get it when he gets back. YDI so badly.

Hey genius, maybe they needed the wheelchair where they were going?

Like I said, #40, if it's a fold up, put it in the trunk. If it's not, how did his friend get to his place at all? REALLY poor planning. When my husband became paraplegic and needed a wheelchair, the hospital put him in a chair that doesn't fold. I bought a second one that does fold so I could take him out in the car and leave his main one at home. If they were that desperate to go out, they could have called a taxi with an adapted van. :/

I honestly thought that he was in the wheelchair when you put it on top. I was so damn confused.

People who are voting "YDI" should be sent to hell that is horrible OP hope you find the wheelchair

Why on the roof? Do you not have a trunk?

Did you remove to fold it up. Otherwise wind resistance can be a bitch.

If it happened today OP it probably ******* melted with how hot it was.

this should be on instead of you already know it's your fault man. be more careful next time.