By Anonymous - 23/02/2010 15:20 - United Kingdom

Today, I discovered everyone at work refers to me as 'The Man-Lady'. I work in a supermarket's beauty department. FML
I agree, your life sucks 427
You deserved it 35

Top comments

maybe you should invest in some of your own products?

PsychoMerk 0

maybe you should shave that mustache... Sir >_>


dont really get how thats funny that they call u "the man-lady" when u posted ur thing as a women and working in a beauty section......?? unless ur sayin u look like a man..

killabee 0

Yep, it's that last part xsexshortblabla. She is indeed saying she looks like a man. Your deduction skills are unparalleled detective.

It's fascinating how many people need to pick apart every fml... Just take it all for what it is! this site is for laughter, not overanalyzation of everything posted. geeeeze!

fishyfingaz 0

Girlllly maaaaaan! girly man man man man!

.......we call my gym teacher that.....

Felendris 0

Take it like a man, don't come and whine about it on fmylife.

FightOfYourLife 0
kk2krazee 0
DaTroof 0

a supermarkets beauty department?

I_Like_Kittys 0

Just ignore them, people are asses- Wait, a SUPERMARKET'S beauty department? Whaaaattt??? o.0

In the UK, Asda is similar to our Walmart's a supermarket and then some. I assume she works somewhere like that, otherwise she'd have likely said she worked at a chemists, on high street, at a shop, etc.

yourfarewell 1

In the UK, Asda doesn't have seperate departments...not sure how similar it is to Walmart. Even if she does, what would that constitute? Stacking only the shelves with beauty-related products?

You can stack only certain areas - I did hideous work experience when I was 14 at Sainsburys, and I shelf stacked only health & beauty.

yourfarewell 1

I guess she was just trying to get sympathy points.