By Sprinkles - 04/02/2015 07:44 - Australia

Today, I discovered my elderly neighbour likes to roam around his yard naked and wash his balls with the sprinkler. I'm never going to grab a snack in my kitchen again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 899
You deserved it 2 731

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There really does seem to be an age where ***** are no longer given. Sorry, OP.

sorry you had to witness that, but he won't stay for long in this world, let him do as he pleases


Thors_Hammer9999 17
ajs1987 15

Your neighbor seems pretty ballsy.

Ha! I didn't know you were my neighbor!!!!

Bah, he only has a few more years left, let him have his bloody fun!

Run outside with a pair of hedge trimmers saying "snip snip!" In a sing song kinda voice!

don't be a nosey neighbor and let him do his business in peace, he's old enough he's earned that right lol

you should throw some peanut butter on him and send the dogs after his leather bag.

xKrisSmoove 21

Day 256, supplies running low, family worried, no information on neighbor…send bacon