By MyLifeSucksSoHar - 31/10/2015 01:49 - United States - Jacksonville
MyLifeSucksSoHar_fml tells us more.
OP here. To further clarify my situation, I'm working two jobs on top of being a full-time student and it's still not enough. The problem is, the government insists that a person with two jobs should have enough to pay for college so they've reduced the amount of money I can get - never mind that since I only have a high school diploma, I can only get minimum wage. Plus, I don't have any credit established - so I can't get any other loans.
Top comments
Dude, minimum wage jobs on top of being a full-time student? I pile on any more stuff on to plate and I think I'll have a nervous breakdown.
I have a professor that said he worked part time through college and graduate without debt. The cost of college has risen so much that working part time won't cover housing typically. Considering tuition is at least that much for the cheapest college this is impossible to do without scholarships or loans. I have a full ride but I am lucky I'm smart enough and try to do well academically.
sell your blood or become a guinea pig for pharmaceutical companies
Time to get on your knees! Lol
How much you need? I gotchu
being a student myself, i feel really sad for you. i hope you make it :(
Try and get a loan from a friend or something or your parents
Work a ton next semester and then go back the following semester and finish
Time to be a stripper.
The college system in America is completely ****** up. Time to start an etsy page
I don't know much about colleges, but can't you take a temporary break to earn some money and then return for that one semester?