By Anonymous - 01/01/2013 19:34 - United Kingdom - Cheltenham

Today, I discovered that if I turn my shower off for a minute, then back on again, the water comes out scalding hot. I discovered that while the showerhead was pointed directly at my genitals. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 234
You deserved it 9 555

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's an easy and effective method of female masturbation.


Why did you turn it off in the first place? It's not like you needed a break or something...

perdix 29

Hmmm. Hot Roast Beef! Suddenly, I have a hankering for Arby's.

Suddenly I don't think I will Ever look at Arby's the same way again...

perdix 29

Especially when in comes to spreading horsey sauce over the fragrant folds of warm beef. Then, you have to grab the soft buns and put them back together before enjoying it ;)

The original inspiration for American Pie, but they didn't think a coming of age movie called Arbys Hot Roast Beef would do well at the box office.

In this case it was painful Edit: reply to 24

nckjyc 13

Brings a whole new meaning to fire crotch

I've never heard that phrase in my life... Are you sure there was meaning there to begin with?

Fire crotch meaning a ginger. (redheaded female) Assuming the carpets match the drapes.

so sad …something coming soon you never know, BTW "again "?sounds like you used to do it lol

redhedsaysrawr 18

I'm sorry but YDI on so many levels... Why would you turn it off then on again while having it aimed at your genitals? Most showers come back on freezing cold so either way you're risking a different temperature in a very sensitive part of the body just anyways.