By Anonymous - 01/01/2013 19:34 - United Kingdom - Cheltenham

Today, I discovered that if I turn my shower off for a minute, then back on again, the water comes out scalding hot. I discovered that while the showerhead was pointed directly at my genitals. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 234
You deserved it 9 555

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's an easy and effective method of female masturbation.


ttr125 10

Rubba dub dub burnt my crotch in the tub...

U gotta be more gentle to ur genitals next time.

Today, I was with my friends and thought it would be fun to do stunts off of a ramp with my bike without wearing a cup to protect myself. I didn't think of it until I landed on the middle bar on my bike. FML

I discovered mine comes out ice cold in a similar manner. =/ Though I imagine a scalding would be worse - if someone flushes a toilet or turns on a sink (or even the hose outdoors) in this old house of mine you get a scalding hot surprise. And before anyone accuses me of hanky panky with the shower head, I had surgery less than two weeks ago - I have to use a shower chair, and the easiest place to put the shower head (which switches off at the top) while I'm shampooing or shaving and using my hands is between my knees. I accidentally knocked the button while it was aimed at the delicate parts. The screaming caught my partner's attention; he's thought I'd fallen. But I make a point to make sure the shower head is aiming AWAY from the nethers when I hold it between my knees. Surgery doesn't do much for boosting one's libido, but that cold shower definitely did NOT feel good.

I'm sorry if this counts as invasion of privacy or something, but the mental image of that made me both wince and laugh out loud at the same time xD so sorry for the pain though. I once had something similar happen. My shower head is one that's extendable, so when I take it off the wall thingy that

Holds it, it just hangs upside down by the cord. I once turned on the water without looking where it was and it came out lava-style. Lets just say I'm surprised no one recorded me jumping from side to side in pain xD

Perhaps the next time you do that, the shower head should be pointed away from your genitals. Also, why was it there to begin with?!?

Obey_StudBoii 23

I think maybe you should find a safer way to get yourself off!