By Anonymous - 05/10/2012 23:02 - United States - Queen Creek

Today, I discovered that my 12-year-old son has secretly been printing out and selling copies of the suggestive photos from my camera that I'd taken for my husband. He's been selling them to kids at school for a dollar each. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 500
You deserved it 33 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A dollar each? Sounds like you have some work to do.

CountMango 5

And that's why you take better care to hide things like that...


well for starters ground him for thinking you're only worth a dollar and second take the money.

unknown_user5566 26

29- This, good sir, is the deal of a lifetime.

lacespace 8

Your son is a whole new breed of sex offender. Predators that pray on their parents. Freud, damn pyscho, I think of you.

unknown_user5566 26

No silly, Llama_Face89 was the beginning of the new breed. This kid is simply a wanna-be. ;)

lacespace 8

Like one of those mock serial killers in Law And Order Special Victims Unit. Ah yes...I'm taking notes here

Llama_Face89 33

Oh come on! I tried that at school and a kid turned me in to the principal. How'd he manage it?!

unknown_user5566 26

If you're actually 23 as your profile states you are (and if your comment is not sarcasm), it's probably because our age group was a bit more modest at that age. These days there are 12 year olds wearing next to nothing, having sex, and getting pregnant. My own sister was sneaking out of the house to meet up with a boy (who ended up in juvie) when she was 13. I feel like I was a perfect angel compared to some of these kids.

lacespace 8

What was that llama face? You sold seductive pictures of your mother to kids at school? Well please- tell me why. I'm interested in the psychological sense. I'm not judging you llama I know the life in the school yard gets rough, the modern man must hustle.

BubbleGrunge 18

P.I.M.P. not only is your son brilliant, he's also an entrepreneur!! Perhaps you should encourage his love of money by selling something other than pictures of yourself!

martin_martian7 11
nancyschmancy 9

Kids find everything. Unless you have a safe, or a password locked computer,YDI!!

Tell him to sell them for $5 lol he'll make bank faster lmfao

unknown_user5566 26

Did you literally laugh out loud AND laugh your ******* ass off while writing that comment? You must be exhausted!

You should probably look through your camera settings and see if there is a "lock" setting. Some cameras have them. Other than that, Ydi for leaving it on the camera. If you do things like that you are suppose to destroy the evidence or better yet, don't do it.