By hahahawoww - 31/01/2010 00:32 - United States

Today, I discovered that my best friend of 3 years has me in her phone as "Stupid Bitch". FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 487
You deserved it 4 463

Same thing different taste


Well this depends on how your friend saw it. My friends and I call eachother names all the time but we know that we're just playing around.

MeganRenea 0

Honey, I hate to break it to you but she isn't your best friend.I'm not gonna assume anything but I REALLY hope you're not the kind of friends that go back and forth every week from hating to loving one another. That's so childish. If you guys aren't like that and you really thought you were best friends, then you're better off without her. No one needs friends like that.

mn_mpls 0

Change her listed name in your phone to "Super ****." Then when you next get together, surrepticiously hide her phone, and when she can't find it, offer her your phone to use to call her own phone in order to find it!

Addendum to #68: If she then tells you that "Super Bitch" is her pet name for you, tell her that "Super ****" is your name for her because she's such a good friend.

abcdefg09 0

let me guess, you are in high school? Grow up and get over it, she's not a true friend and YDI for keeping her around because she sounds like a dramatic, 2 faced "friend".

mlsuaarez 0

ok, and? that doesn't mean anything i call my friends stupid bitches all the time, and i love them to death. grow up