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By Hallllo - 11/05/2009 05:12 - United States

Today, after spending the night hanging out with a beautiful girl we start to walk back to my place. Halfway there she turns and says, "I wish you were a vampire" and goes back home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 100 316
You deserved it 9 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like another retarded Twilight fan. Find someone who doesn't dwell on the fantasy world.

Millybug 0

And Twilight screws over another poor guy. Ok-- I am a Twilight fan, they are wretchedly cheesy teen romance novels, but still I am a fan. On that note; Twilighters, those stupid, obsessive, moronic little fangirls who want every guy to be like Edward should be shot in the face. Sorry dude, that really blows.


zee209 0

Blame that on Twilight. That piece of shit book series ruins EVERYTHING. Sorry to hear that, BTW.

DiscountDJ25 0

Tonights "Oh Shit!" moment was brought to you courtesy of sparkly vampires! ...And Wendy's.

what are you waiting for? bite that bitches neck!

Sounds like another retarded Twilight fan. Find someone who doesn't dwell on the fantasy world.

Shadow_Phantom 26

C'MON people there ARE some of us who still LOVE vampires, but hate that horrible "vampire" series known as Twifail- I mean "Twilight." Although I DON'T doubt this was Twilight-related...

Trevv 0

******* twilight.... and they say girls are the only ones exploited by the media. granted, they get it worse, but still. anyone that leaves someone because they aren't a mythical creature of sex and violence is a total liability to society. you were way better off not getting with her. shed probably be screaming, "Oh, EDWARD!" the whole time anyway....

Weird_Gurl7504 0

Twilight lovers are NOT faggots. We simply like/love a series of books. Some of the Twilight lovers just like it more than others. I personaly would never do anything like it but others are willing to. Also, She did say "I wish you were a vampire" but that doesn't mean she was talking about Edward Cullen or even Twilight. She could have been talking about other things such as The Vampire Diaries, True Blood, etc. etc. Just shut up and live with the fact that not everyone likes what YOU like. OP, I'm sorry but that's hilarious. Tee hee. - waits for people to start ranting about comment -

haha ur right #627 I totally agree with rverything u said

Haha sorry, but that is hilarious! Love it!

you're fault for not being a vampire. lmfao

lifesagamble 0

#1, I agree. It's like, everybody feels that they could find there own "Edward". :| Me too. I'm sorry about that. :(

Millybug 0

And Twilight screws over another poor guy. Ok-- I am a Twilight fan, they are wretchedly cheesy teen romance novels, but still I am a fan. On that note; Twilighters, those stupid, obsessive, moronic little fangirls who want every guy to be like Edward should be shot in the face. Sorry dude, that really blows.

Yourheadache 19

I agree,but I would like a jacob to go please, I like it rough ;)

******* Twilight has ruined the last of my teenage years.

EmmaMarieCullen 0

why does everyone say it's all Edwards fault I know that this FML is about vampires but people posted about just Edward in other twilight related FMLs and I don't have a friend one that's on team Edward all team Jacob and there is more than one vampire in twilight not just Edward could be alice or laurent emmet Jasper James carlisle esme Victoria the volturi

'shot in the face' ha my exact thought for a twilight fan girl/boy(?)

well i seriously thought she said that because she got her period and that's why she had to go back xD

3reezee 0

when does it end?!?!?! twilight refuses to go away!!

So bite her. ...Then again, you probably got lucky. She may have bitten you. While her mouth was over your important parts. So yeah. FYL though.

Did you tell her you like to watch her sleep? That's what she wanted to hear.