By LasagnaRawks - 09/11/2009 10:24 - United Kingdom

Today, I discovered that my boyfriend only stayed with me because he didn't want to "be alone," and now that he has a new girlfriend, apparently he won't be. We were together for three and a half years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 994
You deserved it 3 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You really do not want to be with someone like that anyway. It's not an FML at all. Lucky you! You are rid of someone so insecure he is incapable of being without a girlfriend.


Atl_Luvr_16 0

That just sucks. But, u really don't need him if he's that retarded and shallow. And now ur free. :)

bobinoguaviare 0

im sorry. that really sucks. dont rush it. take some time and greive. then take some time to burn all you pictures of him and destroy everything he gave you. but then get over him and move on. life is full of heart breaks. life sucks. its all some psycho sadistic form of entertainment for "god". P.S. Don't watch anything disney. disney love, life, and tears... ARE SO ******* FAKE!!!

Your ex-boyfriend's pretty pathetic. I hate people like that. "Oh no, I might not have someone hanging on my arm! Woe is me!"

walton1985 0

I know how that feels. The woman that I have been with for 8 1/2 years wants to just have fun with other guys now. She was with just for the kids I guess.

This was supposed to be in response to Phattdaddy's quote. @OP: Don't you ever try to make a relationship better with a guy who's proven himself an ass. Next time, get out quick.

...? What was supposed to be a response to my post?

Lasagna Rawks was bugging me, this is my new account lol, much more fitting I think =P

dependent men piss me off. he acts like you're the love of his life, but once it's over, he has another girl the next second. so basically, i hate you, ex-boyfriend. hahahaha. i'm so bitter. sh*t...

dependent men piss me off. he acts like you're the love of his life, but once it's over, he has another girl the next second. so basically, i hate you, ex-boyfriend. hahahaha. i'm so bitter. sh1t...